Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Computer security - threats and Solutions

When it comes to computer security, many of us live in a bubble of blissful ignorance. We can be vigilant and never open attachments from people we don't know, we could take to ensure an electronic commerce site is secure before entering our credit card information, or we may even go up to install a standard firewall on our computer. Unfortunately, most of these tips of good sense that follow us when it is little Internet security to combat cyber-crime plaguing.

Federal Trade Commission

Even the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, a government agency that aims to help consumers, had to issue a press release stating that "consumers, including corporate and banking leaders, appear to be the target of a false e-mail allegedly sent by the Federal Trade Commission but actually sent by third parties hoping to install spyware on computers."

There is little doubt that spyware, malware and insidious virus attacks than any computer with Internet access vulnerable. But, not all security breaches because Internet are immediately apparent, people are often not aware that their appearance without computer hassles is anything but. The Federal Trade Commission offers seven guidelines to help consumers to surf the Web safely:

1. Protecting your personal information. For example, when you shop on an e-commerce site, make sure that the page where you enter your personal information is secured, designated by "https" before the URL. It is important to stop identity theft, before you begin.

2 Whether clicking. For example, many cyber-criminals impersonate legitimate businesses or send a "phishing" e-mail that asks you to click on a hyperlink. Discover the merchants online and never click on links by email unless you are sure of the source.

3 Day anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software often. Computer and other pirates who engage in cyber-crime appear to be always one step ahead to the Gentiles. If the protection of your computer is outdated, you are vulnerable.

4 Use the security operating system and Web browser. Make sure that your browser settings provide the optimal security and confidentiality and ensure that you update your operating system regularly to take advantage of security patches.

5 Save your passwords. For example, create a unique password for each site that you visit and keep them somewhere safe. Use combinations of letter, number and symbol that can thwart the automatic password detection programs.

6. Always make backups. If your computer gets a virus or a worm, your files can be goners. Make sure you back up all important files and store them in a safe place regularly.

7. Prepare for emergency situations. If something goes wrong, as your computer being hacked or infected, or if accidentally disclose you personal information, learn what course of action you must take to remedy the situation and to prevent other problems.

A Solution without hassle

Protect your computer against all threats in cyberspace can seem like a job full time. Fortunately, it is has companies who make it their business to offer individuals and businesses computer security more technologically advanced available. The best of these services offers PC maintenance, optimization complete system, problem diagnosis and repair, installation assistance and a full range of professionally managed security services. In general, pay you a small monthly subscription in turn can browse the Web while knowing that your computer is locked down and that you will never have to stand abreast the latest security software or carry your computer until a costly repair centre.

Chris Robertson is an Majon International, one of the internet marketing companies most popular worlds on the web. Learn more about computer security [http://www.your-secured-desktop-my-guarantee.com] or Majon computers directory Solutions

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